Vietnamese Grilled Pork (bun-thit-nuong)

Pork1.5 pounds sliced
Rice Vermicelli1 package thin
Egg Rolls4-6
Challots3 tablespoons minced
Garlic1.5 tablespoons minced garlic
Sugar¼ cup
Fish Sauce1 tablespoon
Soy sauce½ tablespoon thick
Pepper½ tablespoon
Olive Oil3 tablespoons
Slice the uncooked pork thinly, about ⅛". It helps to slightly freeze it (optional).
Mince garlic and shallots. Mix in a bowl with sugar, fish sauce, thick soy sauce, pepper, and oil until sugar dissolves.
Marinate the meat for 1 hour, or overnight for better results.
Bake the pork at 375F for 10-15 minutes or until about 80% cooked. Finish cooking by broiling in the oven until a nice golden brown color develops, flipping the pieces midway.
Assemble your bowl with veggies, noodles, and garnish. Many like to mix the whole bowl up and pour the fish sauce on top, but I like to make individual bites and sauce it slowly.